re·viv·al (r-v
l) n.
1. a. The act or an instance of reviving.b. The condition of being revived.2. A restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor after a period of obscurity or quiescence.3. A new presentation of an old play, movie, opera, ballet, or similar vehicle.4. a. A time of reawakened interest in religion.b. A meeting or series of meetings for the purpose of reawakening religious faith, often characterized by impassioned preaching and public testimony.
I did a little research. To add some academic validity to this crazy thing I currently find myself in: a revival. And by research I mean I typed revival into Google and clicked on the definition. My old professors would be proud. Prouder still of perhaps my favorite finding from the ever credible, Wikipedia:5. Law Renewal of validity or effect, as of a contract or judicial decision.
Revival may refer to:Did you know that there is a Harry Potter Wiki? Despite my amazement skirting the edge of deep concern for the population, it's quite interesting if you have the time and dork status to check it out I think you should. But Harry Potter, thankfully, has nothing to do with this recent revival.
- Resuscitation of a person
Over the past few weeks, the thought, "Ooo. I should write that on the blog..." has surfaced more times than I can shake a stick at...and more times than I have time to actually follow through with, unfortunately. The fortunate news is that I'm still learning the lessons. And the reason I've wanted to write them here is because they have impacted me and changed me in a way that demands sharing. I found myself talking with my friend Amy, excitedly spewing out scripture that kept bubbling up...during our five second conversation, [which will be continued tonight much to my excitement] and felt surprised when I hung up. I have this insatiable urge to just blurt things out. Even if it's through g-chat to a dear friend in California. Anyone who will listen. Which is the way it should be. Listen to what Jeremiah had to say about holding it in:
If I say, “I will not mention him,I'm not sure that my insides are ablaze, but I know I'm excited.or speak any more in his name,”there is in my heart as it were a burning fireshut up in my bones,and I am weary with holding it in,and I cannot.
One of the definitions talks about a 'reawakened interest in religion' through some good ol' meetins' and preachin'. But I feel as though the other parts of the definition are able to better pin down what is currently going down. I'm being 'restored to use'! The 'use' being to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord! To share His truths! After a period of obscurity and quiescence! [which is an adjective describing being at rest; quiet; still; inactive or motionless...a word I find quite delightful now that I know its meaning...] And to use exclamation points while doing it! Even the last one about law, it's a renewal of the validity of faith! Which are often times hard things to put together in this day and age, but I'm feelin' it.
There is a resuscitation going on here people.
And I couldn't be more electrified.
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