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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Different Sides Of The Mountain.

It is unseasonably warm.  Record high temperatures for Michigan in March.  Definitely not the norm.   I’m beginning to wonder what isn’t unseasonable in this life.  Everything in my neck of the woods seems to be a little out of the ordinary.  Mostly because there doesn’t seem to be an ordinary.  Maybe I just haven’t lived enough seasons yet to notice a pattern...?  But alas, I digress.  Let’s get back to the fact that:
I spent the evening at the BEACH.
In a tee-shirt.
After some scribbling in my notebook and line reading, I decided to stretch my legs.  And the muscles in my toes and the arches of my feet.  Sand will do all of that, very well.
Due to the fact that it is still early in the season the hard packed sand is exposed it many areas and found in large fluffy mounds in others.  Rocks have become little towers unto themselves as the wind carves away the sand around them.
I was taking all this in-which actually means I was mostly trying not to let my mind run off in a million different directions.  A good long walk usually helps with this, but it’s a bit of a fight in the beginning until rhythm sets in and my crazy brain loses steam.  So, I was taking this in... when all of a sudden, I was ankle deep in wet sand!  I quickly pulled my foot up and continued, my tread sinking an inch or two, only to loose my foot a few steps later.   I continued on, my mind now pondering the quicksand.

We’re walking along in life, on what looks like hard, wet sand.  Our minds are a thousand miles away and we are just going about our business paying little mind to the ‘predictable’ surface upon which we tread. Then suddenly, we are caught off-gaurd.  It startles us, throws us off our balance. We might even roll and ankle, who knows? We have to re-steady ourself after this unforeseen obstacle and try to move forward without trepidation after receiving a curve ball.

And sometimes, all we want is to fall in.  The flat hard surface feels desolate and monotonous and we want something deeper.  Something more and other than this routine.  As we press on, we are begging for anything that will refresh our weary feet. The sudden loss of our foot is like a breath of fresh air, a joyous ‘awakening’. It brings smile to our face, and we bound forward hoping for another thrill, another taste of something messy and intimate.  

The same event can elicit different reactions depending on which side of the mountain you are on.
I’m not sure if you've understood even a bit of all that.
It felt profound.  When finding myself startled and later delighted after discovering quicksand.  Perhaps it’s profundity depends on whether or not your are on my side of the mountain.

There’s a good chance that I’m just a little nutters as well.  And for me, that’s not really unseasonable.

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