I chuckled when I opened my bible this morning and found my familiar, folded sheets laying out the reading plan I’ve been working through.
And by working through, I really mean barely moving through.
It’s supposed to take a year.
I’m likely going to at least double that time line.
It was not my snail’s pace however, that caused me amusement.
It was that I started this literary journey per a recommendation from a friend.
Who happened to be a boy.
Said boy is still a boy/friend, just not mine.
In fact, there have been...er....several boys in and out since this read through began.
And yet, I read on, ever so slowly.
Thinking of my confounded romantic escapades over the last year and a half in relation to my reading gave light to truth.
Despite the instability in the relationship department, there is stability.
In the Word.
His word.
All of that truth is there. Just waiting for me to read it.
The words on the page don’t change.
My life will change, but the book won’t.
He won’t.
God. Won’t. Change.
He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
“Slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” [Psalm 86:15]
Some times when I look at how long I have to go before I finish this dad-gum reading plan, I get a bit discouraged.
But now, I’m glad it has taken me this long.
By stretching over several places and seasons and heartbreaks, God could remind me [yet again] of His steadfastness. His sameness. His with-me-through-it-all-ness.
Maybe if I start taking a few more things slow and steady, I might just win this race.
Or at least not trip over my own two feet.
Thanks. Just Thanks.