Book List

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Step Three: Always pack a rain jacket.

So, I'm teaching a class today-minding my own business-when out of nowhere we start getting pelted with hundreds of little ice chunks. They're bouncing off the pavement like tiny white bouncy balls. Plunking onto the tops of our heads and rolling off our shoulders. It's like a war zone out there. For about a minute. Then, it just stops. No rain for an encore, it just stops. And within about ten minutes the sun returns to its original position and we go about our business identifying plants and eating redwood sorrel. Epic.

After dinner, I was feeling pretty brawny, and decided to tackle our food order. Every two weeks we place some requests to the lovely kitchen staff for staple items to stock the cupboards of Glen Iris. And today was pickup day. So I'm carrying a crate full of milk and balancing on top is a large-ish rectangle box full of cereal, sugar, peanut butter and the like. O yes, and a flat of eggs. Perhaps not the smartest of ideas to carry a flat of eggs on the top of two boxes full of heavy food, but sometimes intelligence is ignored for the sake of efficiency. I made my way down the flight of stairs with the goods only to be met at the bottom by another onslaught. I parked it under the overhang of the dining hall to watch a hail blast for a second time today. Plummeting out of the sky, crashing into the sidewalk, deck, roof and dirt in front of me made for crazy little picture. It was like someone from above shot a bunch of tiny paper wads down to earth. I stopped and smiled. I ventured out, the egg flat getting a little moist, only to have the surprise attack stop short once again. Totally epic.

Everything in the redwoods is exciting. Even the precipitation keeps you on your toes.

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