Book List

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back to you.

I love my job for a lot of reasons.

One being the gift of last week.

I don't feel right calling last week a vacation. It wasn't "time off". Sure I wasn't trying to gain the attention of thirty rambunctious kids or preparing for classes, but it was more than just ten days of leisure. I am a better person coming back here. Better because I was loved so well. Better because I witnessed God's love extended to high school students and their families. Better because I read and heard some wise words. Better because I then talked about it. Better because I was able to explore my head and my heart with a dear friend who knows both parts of me so well.

There's just something comforting about sharing your observations and questions with someone who knows how you operate. Who can see things I can't even see about me. I learned a lot of lessons last week, which sadly, I'm not going to recount here. Because you don't need to know everything about me right? I did find out that the Easter bunny travels in helicopters these days and that earthquakes feel a little like trying to stand still on a trampoline when everyone else is jumping crossed with a skateboard...? Southern California is ridiculous and super rad.

And the beauty of this whole thing is that even though last week was perfection, I was excited to come back and pick up my schedule from the cork board. We have now come full circle.

I love my job for a lot of reasons.

So thank you God for this job. For this place you have me in right now. For the people you've put into my life. For the lessons you are teaching me and reteaching me. I have o, so much to learn. It's a bit ridiculous. But you're teaching me. And your blessing me along the way too, which so totally rocks and is so incredibly undeserved. And so I will just say thank you, thank you, thank you and do my best to always turn the gratitude right back to you.

1 comment:

  1. Your heart of gratitude is such a blessing to the Father, and to those around you. (Hbr 13:15)
