Book List

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bring the Light.

My attitude clouded over this morning.
The dark sky heavy with rain. There were moments of clearing on my run, but the ominous mood continued brooding. I can't put my finger on it other than the fact that I simply did not choose joy. I hate that I can recognize that. But I still fail to make the choice. My struggle becomes more arduous. My breathing more labored, because I loose sight of where I'm going. I loose sight of the purpose and goal. Of truth.
Shameful really.
It's sitting there, ripe for the taking and I choose something of less substance. I choose to do it on my own. My own strength and motivation. And man, is it lame in comparison.

But the clouds broke as I drove to Jenner.
It started with with Mumford and Sons rumbling the clouds, shaking them loose.
Then I rounded the bend on Moscow road in Duncan Mills and a ray of light pierced the veil, sending its light down to my eyes. My heart became a little lighter and I drove on, following the curves of the Russian River. The banks rising up into the blue sky.
The sun was shining on the front lawn of Cafe Aquatica and the earl grey tea in my hand. The waves were lapping up on the rocks, the brackish water from the ocean in the distance mixing with the fresh water of the Russian. The voice of Lewis and my mother completed the symphony bringing peace.

I found myself refreshed and renewed. God is gracious even after my choice of clouds this morning. It's funny that despite my best efforts, God can always bring the light.
Glory Hallelu.

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