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Monday, January 3, 2011

The Blog Formerly Known As...


No, actually it was Pedestrian Adventures. Which I always thought was clever as it began when I was walking the streets of Grand Rapids, Michigan a ton. But I must say, despite my pride in it's name, I have felt angst about having a blog from the beginning.

I mean really, who wants to hear about my random thoughts? Seriously, there are millions of blogs out there, and better writers, and you could be reading them. Now, I'm not soliciting compliments so don't write comments below arguing with me, I'm just trying to explain my indecisiveness when it comes to being a blog writer. And why there is new name at the top of this page. I've had people comment on how what I've written has encouraged them which is what has kept me holding on for this long. And the fact that writing is really, really healthy for me. And yet, I'm uneasy.

However, I believe, in the infancy of this New Year I have figured out the solution to this problem. I'm going to keep writing. Hopefully a lot. But I'm going to keep most of my writing to my journal. I'm better when I'm honest, and I'm more brutal when I'm working it out with a pen and paper.

In the virtual realm, with help in discernment from a new friend, I'm going to take a more focused approached. Which brings me to the reason for the new title. I'm going to try to bring some'Sunday' to this little blog. Sharing the discoveries made while studying. Throw in a song or two that has caused me to worship. I haven't totally figured it all out yet. And I mean, I guess parts of my life will come up because I'm writing it. But I'm going to try and keep 'me' out of it and make an effort to bring the things the are encouraging me or making me think, worship, serve, love, rest and praise more fully.

I'm not sure exactly what this is going to look like. But I hope we both learn a little something in the process.

[check out the 'about me' section at the bottom of the page. there's a bit more there about this.]

1 comment:

  1. After my little league baseball games, we'd sometimes go to an ice cream parlor called Month of Sundaes. It was great. That's beside the point. Keep it up, Spears. You write real good. I resolved to write an hour uninterrupted everyday, hopefully it will make for better blogging.

