Book List

Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Simple.

I was having a conversation with one Ben Yerkes about poverty, being an american, what God calls us to and the desires of our hearts. [I know, pretty light topics right?] I was busy giving a bunch of excuses and arguments for all kinds of things and Yerkes kept saying, "It's simple. Why are you making it so complicated?" At one point he said, "Do you love God? Are you seeking Jesus? That's all you need". Annoyingly, he kept answering my questions with simple truth from scripture, totally desecrating my arguments. Annoyingly but thankfully.

This morning on a run I was listening to a sermon. Life was described as being built of sand on the edge of an endless ocean. Which means the tide is eventually going to role in and a wave is going to take out your life's work. To further illustrate the brevity of this life he threw out the number 25,000. That's the average number of days lived by a human. It seems like a lot, but when you think about it being all you've got, it's not. [check out those unintentional rhyming skills! yes!] I kept thinking, "Yeah!" as he elaborated this idea of making the most of our short lives. At the moment when he was wrapping up all his different points, he slowly began to explain that when faced with this slightly depressing idea of our transient time on earth we need to: "Wake up every morning and treat this day as if it is a gift you did nothing to earn...suddenly every day becomes incredibly powerful, infused with meaning, and the opportunity for joy and peace is found regardless of the circumstances. This is a call..."

And at this point I knew what he was going to say! This is a call to make disciples of all nations! A call to live radically for Christ, "making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil". [Ephesians 5:16]

Except for that's not what he said.
He continued: "This is a call to appreciate, enjoy, celebrate every moment you have in the sand because one day the sand goes away and the only thing we get to take away with us is the enjoyment..."

Wait...what?! I was liking the reminder that my life is but a vapor, etc. But the only thing we get to take with us is the enjoyment?! No! That's not it at all. In all fairness, he did say something after that phrase, that "Jesus came to help" so he threw Jesus in there but that is NOT all that we take with us! If these 25,000 days are purposed for just creating some enjoyment to take with me, I am living the wrong life. Don't get me wrong. I thoroughly enjoy life and think that God takes delight in our delight. But our greatest delight should be in HIM.

It's not about just enjoyment.
It's simple.
It's about Jesus.


  1. I knew whose sermon you were talking about before I even got a chance to listen to it. And I agree with you.

    It's simple, but it's not an abstraction. It's concrete. It's Jesus and everything that goes along with Him.
