Book List

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Insert foot here.

When you talk all day for a living, you are bound to say something stupid.

I fumble over my words quite a bit because I want to make sure I'm informative and exciting at the same time so...sometimes I get a bit carried away and today, it happened. One of our challenge course elements is called the "pinata". After the participant gets harnessed in, one of the kids needs to take a carabiner and clip it to the back of the participant's harness. As I was assigning jobs, I forgot to explain that the carabiner was a double locking model so I yelled out,

"Where are my two hooker girls?"


The kids paused before following their counselor's lead in laughter. Can you say foot in mouth moment?

1 comment:

  1. You're wonderful. You continually do/say things that make me value/respect/enjoy you more...even when those things are ridiculous. Much love, spearsje.
