Book List

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Moses Wears Chuck Norris Pajamas.

How does Moses do it?

He grows up in a culture that is not his own.  He must know this pretty clearly.  Because when he sees an Egyptian beating up his hebrew homeboy he kills him and buries him in the sand right then and there.
When Pharaoh gets word, he’s not too happy, seeing as this outsider killed one of his slaves.  So he kicks Moses out.

Moses goes on his way, settles elsewhere, gets himself a nice wife and a nice life.

And then God shows up.
In a bush.

“Hey Moses.  It’s me the God of your father, and your father’s father, and his father’s father.  I wouldn’t come closer if I was you, my glory might be a little much for you.  And take your shoes off your shoes for while you’re at it.  This is holy ground your treading on.  So I’ve been hearing some things.  Hearing my people.  They are seriously bumming.  Beyond bumming, they are downright miserable.  I know what they are going through, and I don’t like it.  I’m going to rescue them.”

Moses is probably thinking-if he can even think at all while he’s standing barefoot in the presence of the Almighty God- “Wow, awesome.  No, really AWE-some.  The God of my father and my father’s father and his father’s father knows what’s going on with his chosen people. He’s hearing their laments and He’s gonna do something about their oppression.”

And then God drops the hammer,

“Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” Exodus 3:10

I can just see Moses, open mouthed [again, if he’s not already drooling all over himself], finger in his ear, “Wait.  What did you say?”

“Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” Exodus 3:10

“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11

What he’s really saying is:
Sure I lived with him for awhile*, but he kicked me out.  Remember?  I killed someone.  I’m pretty sure he’s not going to welcome me back.
Oh, and let’s not forget that even if I were going in with a clean slate you are asking me to command he release all his slaves.  There are like, a lot of people.  If they leave, who’s going to do all the work?  Pharaoh?  I know* the guy, this is not going to go over well.
Who am I?

B u t            I             w i l l               b e                  w i t h               y o u . . .”                  
Exodus 3:12

Moses.  Don’t worry about it.  I’ll be with you!
I imagine God smiling and giving Moses a comforting ‘buckaroo’ punch in the arm with a wink.  Except for Moses’ arm would probably disintegrate and if Moses looked to catch the wink his face wouldn't be just glowing it’s be burning or something, from the inside out.  Anyway...

Moses argues a bit more.  God, they’ll ask for your credentials.  God, they won’t believe me.  But God, I don’t speak so good.  I ain’t the man fer dis job.  Blah, blah, blah.
The great thing is that God gives Moses tangible solutions to these qualms.  Even though the 'being with' part should have been enough.

Finally Moses packs up the station wagon, er camels?, and heads back to Egypt.  I figure loading up and taking his staff along are Moses’ ways of saying, “Alright.  Well, I guess I’m in.” [Exodus 3:20]

And while Moses is on the way, God mentions one more small detail,
“Oh, yeah.  And I’m going to harden Pharaoh’s heart.  So do all the stuff I told you to do, and just know that it’s not going to do anything.  And then tell Pharaoh that he’s...well things are going to get nasty.  Hey...your knees are shaking...I’m going to take care of it, don’t worry!”

How does Moses do it?
With a name, a staff, some show and tell and his trusty side-kick Aaron?
Well that,
and                     GOD                     was                    WITH                     him!

If this story were on facebook I’d ‘like’ it.  Definitely.  Oooo, I can’t wait to unpack more...

*Addendum: I realized that I lied. There are TWO Pharaoh's involved here.  So the first ruler that threw Moses out is a different ruler than the one he appeals to on behalf of God.  This means Moses didn't really know the Pharaoh he was going to, and he wasn't the guy who kicked Moses out.  Shoot.  I really should go to seminary or something if I'm going to keep this up...


  1. I hope it's ok - I'm printing this off to share in the office. So you lied... I think you should listen to J.Garrel's "Be Set Free" and fo-get about it. We forgive you.

  2. I'm honored by your printing. And thanks. And I did listen to "Be Set Free". Because I listen to J.Garrel's most every day. Borderline obsessed. And I'm totally okay with that.
