A large package of unusual difficulty.
Oddly shaped, rather heavy and precariously fragile.
I wrap my arms around it, determined to pick it up. To carry it well.
And then my arms get tired.
So I have to re-adjust.
A simple shift really.
Except for the aforementioned fact that this parcel doesn’t come with nice handles. It’s awkward. And tipsy. Giving my muscles a rest is going to take some figuring.
So I do some figuring.
And thinking.
Really hard thinking.
I shift my arms. Rest it momentarily on my knees.
Ah, me. This is difficult.
I ask for assistance.
I look to others also bearing these cumbersome packages.
They must have a suggestion. An idea.
'Over the left shoulder.'
'Under the left arm.'
'On my hip.'
'Twist your wrist and jam your elbow in, just there.'
Soon I'm twisted up like a pretzel, and even more sore than when I began.
Life is sometimes hard to manage.
A large package of unusual difficulty.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Maybe I just need a parcel that is shaped a little more like a yoke...
This is just what I needed. Thank you.